Decorative Storage
Arcadia Home decorative boxes are exquisitely hand painted in the reverse painted mirror technique (also known as verre églomisé). Made by artisans in Peru who operate under fair trade principles, the collection offers an array of fabulous colors, patterns, and sizes to suit your decor and needs. Use them as jewelry boxes; or in entry ways, on coffee tables, and on consoles as a glamorous catch-all. We also suggest them as a luxurious gift for the person in your life who needs a special place for their jewelry.
Decorative Storage
Arcadia Home decorative boxes are exquisitely hand painted in the reverse painted mirror technique (also known as verre églomisé). Made by artisans in Peru who operate under fair trade principles, the collection offers an array of fabulous colors, patterns, and sizes to suit your decor and needs. Use them as jewelry boxes; or in entry ways, on coffee tables, and on consoles as a glamorous catch-all. We also suggest them as a luxurious gift for the person in your life who needs a special place for their jewelry.
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