Arcadia Home's wedding line offers a wonderful assortment for the eco-conscious couple. Our hand-knit bride and groom ornaments can be mixed and matched. Use them as napkin rings, as a sweet addition to the bow of a wrapped package, or as darling favors that your guests will cherish. They're a lovely touch for bridal showers, weddings, and to commemorate special anniversaries. Our albums and guestbooks make treasured keepsakes as well - made of recycled cotton that's textured to look like leather, they're fit for a lifetime of walks down memory lane.
Arcadia Home's wedding line offers a wonderful assortment for the eco-conscious couple. Our hand-knit bride and groom ornaments can be mixed and matched. Use them as napkin rings, as a sweet addition to the bow of a wrapped package, or as darling favors that your guests will cherish. They're a lovely touch for bridal showers, weddings, and to commemorate special anniversaries. Our albums and guestbooks make treasured keepsakes as well - made of recycled cotton that's textured to look like leather, they're fit for a lifetime of walks down memory lane.
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